Letter from Louis Wagner to C. W. Foster Regarding William H. Moore
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Lieutenant Colonel Louis Wagner, 88th Division of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Commander Camp William Penn, sent this letter to Major C.W. Foster, Assistant-Adjutant General of Volunteers for the Bureau for Colored Troops, regarding a black soldier named William H. Moore from the 43rd colored regiment. Wagner provides a brief history of the soldier’s background, and stated that he would be fit for a drummer.
Head Quarters. Camp William Penn
Chelten Hills Pa
July 10th 1864
Respectfully forwarded to Capt. W. von Bechtold
commanding 45th Reg. U.S.C.T
By Order of
Louis Wagner
Lt. Col. 88th Vols.
Comdg Post
Gen. Wagner
Capt 8th USCT
Post Adju.
Head Quarters Camp William Penn
Chelten Hills Pa.
July 10th 1864.
Major C.W. Foster A.A.G.
Chief of Bureau of Colored Troops.
Washington D.C.
In compliance with your endorsement on the accompanying I have the honor to report that William H Moore is in Co Fr 43rd Reg. US Colored Troops, that he was left behind sick on the departure of his company, that he is now convalescent and will soon join his company in the field.
He says that he was placed in the House of Refuge three years ago by his mother; that he remained there for six months, and was then discharged for good behavior, that he then went into the country near Harrisburg Pa. and worked with a farmer in the winter and on a canal boat in the summer that he entered the army as a waiter for a Captain in the 3rd Mich Vols. that he was enlisted at Harrisburg Pa by one Adjutant Clapp. received from the man that enlisted him $100— cash and a receipt $100. which receipt he has given to some one for collection that he does not expect to get the money due on it, that he is between 15 and 16 years of age, but that he told the Mustering Officer he was.
Our records show that he was mustered by Capt. Clement Provost Marshal Harrisburg Pa. He looks to be about 17 years of age, and the Post Surg says that he is fit for a drummer
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfuly
Your Obdt Servant
Louis Wagner
Lt. Col. 88th Pa. Vols. Comdg Post.
This primary source comes from the Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War).
National Archives Identifier: 81214826
Full Citation: Letter from Louis Wagner to C. W. Foster Regarding William H. Moore; 7/10/1864; Letters Sent, January 1864 to June 1865; Letters Sent, 7/23/1863 - 6/10/1865; Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War), Record Group 110; National Archives at Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. [Online Version, https://docsteach.org/documents/document/wagner-foster-moore, January 20, 2025]Rights: Public Domain, Free of Known Copyright Restrictions. Learn more on our privacy and legal page.