Petition for a Constitutional Amendment to Hold National Referendums on Declarations of War from Danville, Ohio
ca. 1938
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This petition was sent to Congress by citizens of Danville, Ohio. The petition argues that citizens should be allowed to vote on whether or not the country would be involved in a foreign war.
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The decision to declare war is a critical power given to Congress. But after World War I and during the Great Depression, these war-weary petitioners sought an amendment that would “give the people the opportunity to vote on whether or not we are to be plunged into another foreign war.”
This primary source comes from the Records of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Full Citation: Petition for a Constitutional Amendment to Hold National Referendums on Declarations of War from Danville, Ohio; ca. 1938; Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Record Group 233. [Online Version,, November 8, 2024]