Women at Work: World War II
Seeing the Big Picture

About this Activity
- Created by:National Archives Education Team
- Historical Era:The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)
- Thinking Skill:Historical Analysis & Interpretation
- Bloom's Taxonomy:Analyzing
- Grade Level:High School
In this activity, students will match photographs and posters to visualize the many ways that American women contributed to the U.S. war effort during World War II.
Documents in this activity
- "Bertha Stallworth, age 21, shown inspecting end of 40mm artillery cartridge case at Frankford Arsenal."
- American Army Nurses have Dinner near Normandy
- Be a Marine--Free a Marine to Fight
- Enlist in the Waves Release a Man to Fight at Sea
- Get A War Job!
- Harvest War Crops, The Women's Land Army
- In Camp. . . And Overseas, Red Cross Workers Serve Fighting Forces
- Members of the Women's Land Army in orchard
- Nurses Are Needed Now! Army Nurse Corps
- Testing Lines in the Victory Switchboard
- Save Waste Paper. Sort and Bundle. Give it or Sell it!
- SPARS' First Salute Costs a Buck
- WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) at NAS Oakland, California
- Woman Sells War Bonds and Stamps
- Woman's Place in War Radio Repairing The Women's Army Corps
- Women Descending to a Rhino Barge
- Women Marines Salvage Parts That Can be Repaired
- Women There's Work to be Done and a War to be Won Now!