The Titanic Disaster: One Survivor's Story
Finding a Sequence

About this Activity
- Created by:National Archives Education Team
- Historical Era:The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
- Thinking Skill:Historical Analysis & Interpretation
- Bloom's Taxonomy:Understanding
- Grade Level:Middle School
In this activity, students will follow the story of one Titanic survivor, Lucy Ridsdale. A fifty year old nurse from Great Britain, Lucy would survive the Titanic disaster aboard lifeboat 13. in this activity
- Baggage Claim Coupon from the Titanic
- Claim of Lucy Ridsdale
- Daily Memorandum from the Hydrographic Office Reporting Titanic Disaster
- Deposition of George Rheims
- Exhibit C is an Excess Luggage Ticket from a TITANIC passenger who traveled from London's Waterloo Station to "Souton" (Southampton) on the London and South Western Railway
- List of U. S. Citizens (For the Immigration Authorities), R.M.S. CARPATHIA
- This uncaptioned photograph is presumed to be a TITANIC lifeboat being hoisted to drain it of water
- Titanic Survivors in a Lifeboat After the Sinking