Checks and Balances in Action
Seeing the Big Picture
About this Activity
- Created by:National Archives Education Team
- Historical Era:Across Eras: Civics & Government
- Thinking Skill:Historical Analysis & Interpretation
- Bloom's Taxonomy:Analyzing
- Grade Level:Middle School
In this activity students will analyze documents that span the course of American history to see examples of "checks and balances" between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches in action. Students will then match the documents they have examined with an appropriate description of the branches of government involved in the action. in this activity
- Attempted Override of President Richard Nixon's Veto of S. 518, an Act to Abolish the Offices of the Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget
- Constitution of the United States
- Draft of Motion Rule for Marbury v. Madison
- Judiciary Act of 1789
- Nomination of John Marshall to the Supreme Court
- Roll call votes relating to the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson on Articles II, III, and XI
- Selection from President Andrew Jackson's Veto of the Bank Recharter Bill