Examine the document or documents below. Use the numbers to refer to the questions or hints provided. Then label the documents(s) with additional numbers or symbols based if you were asked to do in the introduction and explain them in the margins. Write your conclusion response in the space provided.
At the top of the document, states from north to south are listed from left to right
The specific issues that were voted on are listed in this column.
The tally for the votes about specific issues are listed in these columns.
Rhode Island did not send delegates to the Constitutional Convention, so their column is always blank.
At the top of the document, states from north to south are listed from left to right.
The specific issues that were voted on are listed in this column.
The tally for the votes about specific issues are listed in these columns.
The tally for the votes about specific issues are listed in these columns.
The specific issues that were voted on are listed in this column.
At the top of the document, states from north to south are listed from left to right.
For four months, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention debated fundamental questions relating to government, power, and human nature. Each and every clause of the Constitution was painstakingly argued and resolved. These pages are from the voting record, which is in two bound volumes. It reflects the countless diplomacies, concessions, and comprises that produced the Constitution.
Delegates to the Convention signed the proposed Constitution on September 17, 1787. William Jackson, who served as Secretary of the Convention, recorded the votes. Blanks spaces in the columns indicate states that weren't present to vote on a specific question. Throughout the entire voting record, the column for Rhode Island is blank or blacked out, since that state chose not to participate in the Convention. The column for New York is blank only for the later stages of the Convention, as two of the three delegates from that state departed early.
The last page included here shows the vote on the motion to appoint a committee to prepare a bill of rights. It also records the final vote taken September 15, 1787.
Delegates to the Convention signed the proposed Constitution on September 17, 1787. William Jackson, who served as Secretary of the Convention, recorded the votes.
Columns (from left to right on all pages)
New Hampshire | Massachusetts | Rhode Island | Connecticut | New York | New Jersey | Pennsylvania | Delaware | Maryland | Virginia | North Carolina | South Carolina | Georgia | Questions | Ayes | Nays | Divided |
[page break]
[left page]
[upside down]
Mr. Gorham IIIIIII
Mr. Rutledge I
[right page]
for striking out the words "people" in the first clause of the 4th resolution and inserting the words "Legislatures"
for adding a convenient number of the national judiciary to the executive in the exercise of the negative
To postpone Mr. Dickinson's motion for electing the second branch to take up Mr.
That the second branch of the national legislature be elected by the individual legislatures
The Committee to rise
for vesting the national legislature with a negative on all State laws which shall appear to them improper
to reconsider the mode of appointing the executive
To appoint the national executive by the Executives of the several States
That the right of suffrage in the first branch of the [National Legislature] ought not to be according the rule established in the articles of Confederation, but according to some equitable ratio of representation
To postpone Mr Rutledge’s motion in order to take up Mr Wilson’s, respecting the right of suffrage in the [National Legislature]
That the right of suffrage in the first branch be accordg to the whole number of white and three fifths of the other inhabitants
That in the second branch of the national Legislature each State have One vote
That the right of suffrage in the second branch ought to be accordg to the rule established for the first
To amend the 11th resolution submitted by Mr Randolph by adding the words voluntary junction or partition
To amend theresolution by adding the words “national government” after the words
To strike these words out of the 14 resolution “within the sevl States”
To agree to the 14 resolution as submitted by Mr Randolph
To agree to the 15 resolution as submitted by Mr Randolph
To fill up the term of election for the first branch with three years
For striking out the words "to be of age at least"
For adding the words "fixed" after the words liberal stipend
To add the words "to be paid out of the national Treasury"
To agree to the clause respecting the salary of the first branch
To strike out the words “by a particular State or” in the clause of the resolution
To agree to the clause respecting the ineligibility of the first branch to offices
To fill the blank of ineligibility to office after the term with three years
To fill up the blank with One year
To strike out the words “to be of years at least” in the resolution respecting the second branch
To fill up the blank with “Thirty”
To fill up the blank in the elections of the 2 branch with Seven years
To strike out the clause which respects stipends to be allowed to the second branch
That the ineligibility of the 2 branch to office be the same as the first
That money bills should only originate in the first branch
To resolve the House into a Committee of the Whole House
The Electors to be paid out of the national treasury
[page break]
[right page]
To pospone the first resolution offered by Mr. Patterson in order to take up Mr. Dickerson's motion.
To adopt Mr. Dickerson's motion offered as a substitute for Mr. Patterson's
To postpone the first proposition offered by Mr. Patterson
Not to [illegible] the [illegible] proposition but to report those offered by Mr. Randolph
To postpone the 2 resolution reported to take up the one offered by Mr. Lansing
To adjourn
That the Legislature consist of Two Branches
To agree to Gen.l Pinckney's amendmt. that the first branch be elected as to House Legislature shall direct
That the first branch of the Legislature be elected by the People of the several states.
To strike out the word three in the 2nd clause of the 4 resolution
To strike our the 3 clause in the 3 resolution - to substitute "their stipends to be ascertained by the Legislature to be to be paid out of the pub: treasury"
To strike our the words "To be paid out of the National Treasury"
To receive an adequate compensation for their services
Whether separate votes having been taken on diff: clauses of a proposition a question shall be taken on ye whole
To add the following 9 words to the clause of the 3 resolution to be of the age of 25 years at least
To strike out the following words in the 3rd resolution namely end under the National govt for the space of one year after the expiration
To append to the following clause To receive an adequate compensation for their services - to be paid out of the pub Treasury
To strike our these words in the 3rd resolution "by a particular State"
To amend the 3rd resolution by striking out these words and inserting the following words on Mr. Madison's motion
To agree to the last clause in the 3rd resolution as far as the word Service inclusive.
To agree to the following words "and for the space of one year after its expiration"
To postpone the 1st clause of the fourth resolution to take up the eighth resolution
To postpone the 4th resolution to take up the Seventh.
That the second branch be elected by the State Legislatures
To strike out the words sufficient to secure their independency
To strike the word "Seven" out of the 4th resolution
To fill in the blank in the 4 resolution with the word Six
To adjourn
To fill up the blank in the 4 resolution with the word five
To adjourn
nine years one third to go out triennially - second branch
for six years, one third to go out biennially
To strike the following clause out of the resolution "to receive fixed stipend by which they may be compensated for their devotion of of their time to public service
[left page]
To agree to the following clause in the 4 resolution “to receive a compensation for the devotion of their time to the public service”
To strike out the words "national Treasury" and to substitute the words "by their respective States"
To agree to the following clause in the 4 resolution "to be paid out of the public Treasury"
To postpone the last clause of the 4 resolution in order to take up Mr. Williamson's motion
to add the words and for One year thereafter
to be ineligible to and incapable of holding any office under the authority of the US (except of) during the term for which they are elected and for one year thereafter
and to be ineligible to & incapable of holding any office under a participating State
To agree to the 5th resolution reported from the Committee
To strike the word "not" out of the first clause of the seventh resolution.
To agree to the first clause of the seventh resolution as reported
To postpone the seventh in order to take up the eighth reso.
That the Pres. be expected to write to
to the President of New Hampshire to
desired the allowance of the Deputies of
that State.
To adjourn
That each state that have an equal vote in the second branch of the Legislature of the U.S.
To appoint a Committee on the seventh and eighth resolutions
The Committee to consist of a member from each State
To postpone the first proposition reported from the previous Committee, in order to take up the second
To postpone the first clause of the report & to take up Mr. Rutledge's motion
To commit the 1st clause of the propositions reported from the grand Committee
To postpone the remainder of the first to take up the second proposal
To postpone the consideration of the second Proposition reported from the grand Committee
To agree to the second clause of the first proposition reported from the grand Committee
Whether the last vote was determined in the affirmative
Whether the second proposition reported from the grand Committee shall stand part of the report
To postpone the consideration of the report from the grand Committee until the special Committee report
To agree to the second clause of the report of the Committee to whom was referred the first clause of ye 1st propo: reported from ye gr: Committee
To refer the first paragraph of the report to a Committee of One Member from each State
To strike out the word "three" in the apportionment of representation to New Hampshire, and insert the word "Two"
To strike out the word "five" in the representation of North Carolina, and insert the word "six"
To strike out the word "three" in the representation of Georgia, and insert the word "four"
to double the representation reported from the Committee
To agree to the report of the grand Committee Mr. King Chairman.
[page break]
[left page]
Questions Column
To join the supreme Judiciary with the Executive in the negative
That the supreme Executive shall possess a revisionary negative
To agree to the nomination of the Judges by the Executive which shall become an appointment unless disagreed to by the second Branch of ye Legislature
The Judges shall be appointed by the second Branch of the Legislature
To adjourn
To strike out the words "an assembly or assemblies of representation recommended by the several Legislatures to be expressly chosen by the People to consider and decide thereon" in the last resolution.
To agree to the last resolution
To fill up the blank in the resolution respecting the number of representations in the 2 branch with three
To fill up the blank with the word "two"
To agree to the resolution respecting the number of representatives in the 2nd branch and the manner of voting
To reconsider the clause respecting the appointment of the Supreme Executive.
To reconsider the clause respecting the Executive tomorrow
To adjourn
To agree to refer the proceedings of the Convention to a Committee
That the Committee consists of a member from each State.
That the Committee consists of Seven
That the Committee consist of five
To strike out the words "by Electors &" and to insert the words "by the National Legislature"
To postpone the resolution respecting the Executive
Whether Mr. Wilson's motion respecting the election of the Executive be in order.
To agree to Mr. Elsworth's amendment in the election of the Executive.
To postpone Mr. Pinckney's amendment
To agree to Mr. Pinckney's amendment
That the members of the Committee be furnished with copies of the proceedings
That the members of the House take copies of the resolutions which have been agreed to
To adjourn
For the term of "seven years" to be ineligible a second time (possessing Executive)
To agree to the whole resolution respecting the Supreme Executive
To strike out the word "landed" in the qualifications
To agree to the clause of qualifications
To agree to the amendment for disqualification official under the government and Pensioners
To strike out the words or have unsettled accounts with
To agree to the clause of disqualification
To adjourn till monday August
[right page]
Questions Column
To agree to the amendment proposed to the 7 Sect of the 6 article by Mr. Carrol.
To agree to Mr Gerry’s amendment to the 7 section of the 6 article
To agree to Mr. Madison's amendments
Except such parts thereof relative to Treaties & military operations.
On the 5th clause of the 7 Sect. of the 6 article as reported
Except such parts thereof as in their judgement require secrecy.
To agree to the last clause of the 7 sect of the 6 article.
To commit the 2nd clause of the 7 sect. 6 article.
"nor to any other place than that at which the two Houses are sitting" 8 sect. 6 article.
To reconsider 5 Sect 4 article Monday assigned
On Mr. Hamilton's amendment of the 2nd section of the 4 article
To strike out the word "people" and to insert the word "nine" 2 section 4 article
To agree to the amendment of "four" section 4 article
To agree to the proviso offered to the 2 section of the 4 article by Mr. G. Morris
Instead of the word "seven" to insert "five"
shall the word nine in the 3rd section of the 5 article remain.
To adjourn
To agree to the first clause of Mr Randolph’s proposition for reinstating the 5 Section 4 article
To agree to the 5 sect. 4 art. as reported
last clause 5 section 4. article
To postpone the consideration of the 9 section of the 6 article
To be paid out of the Treasury of the United States
To agree to five dollars per diem
To postpone the amendment offered to the 12th section
To agree to Mr. Madison's amendment to the negative by adding the Judiciary
To postpone the consideration of the 13 section 6 article
"three fourths", instead of "two thirds" 13 section & article 6
To agree to the amendment "no bill or resolve"
No money shall be drawn from the Treasury
of the U.S. but in consequence of appropriations made by law.
To adjourn
To insert ten days holidays excepted
[page break]
Questions Column
To adjourn til Wednesday
To refer the report to a Committee of the Whole
Delaware being represented during the debate & questions was again taken on to Committee of the Whole
To insert the words "Legislative acts of the other" in the third article
To strike out the words each of which shall in
all cases have a negative on the other 3rd article
To add an amendment to the last clause of the 3rd article offered by Mr. Randolph
To strike out the word December and insert “May”
To add the words subject to the negative hereafter mentioned
To strike out the last clause of the first section of the fourth article
To adjourn
To adjourn till 10 o’Clock
To strike out “three” and insert seven in the 2 Section 4 article
To strike out the word “of” and to substitute “in” after resident in the 2 section 4 article
To postpone Mr motion in order to take up Mr Dickinsons
To insert the word “three”
To add One year residence before the election
To agree to the 2 clause of the 2 section
To give six representatives to South Carolina
To alter the latter clause of the 4 section of the 4 Article “according to the rule herein after provided for Direct taxation”
To insert the word “free” before inhabitants 4 section 4 article
To strike out the 5 section 4 article
To strike out the 3rd clause after 1st section
of the 5 article
To add the words to the 1st sect, 5 article unless other provision shall be made by the Legislature
To agree to the three first clauses of the 1st section of the 5 article
To postpone the last clause in the 1st section of the 5 article
Fourteen years citizenship to qualify to a seat in the Senate
Thirteen years
Ten years
Nine years
To strike out the words "each House" & to insert the word the House of Representatives in the 1st section of the 6 article
To strike out the words "with regard to property"
To agree to the 2 section of the 6 article as
To reconsider the 2 section of the 4 art.
Monday assigned
To agree to the amendment 1 & 3 section 2 article offered by Mr. King
To agree to Mr. Randolph's amendment to
the 3 section 5 article
Two thirds required to expel a member
[page break]
Questions Column
neither shall any appointment be made as aforesaid unless to offices established by the Constitution or by law
To insert after the word "bribery" "other high crimese and misdemeanors against the state"
To strike out the words "by the Senate"
To insert the words "United States" instead of the "State"
To agree to the clause respects the impeachment of the President
The Vice President and other civil officers of the U.S. shall be removed from office on impeachment and conviction as aforesaid
But the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as in other Bills.
All bill for acquiring revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives
To agree to the resolution that the Senate be the court of impeachment
The Legislature shall have the sole right of establishing offices not herein provided for
He may convene both or either of the Houses on extraordinary occasions 2 section 10 article
To reconsider the number of representatives
To reconsider the XIX article
To agree to the amendment of "two thirds"
To agree to the amendment of "three fourths"
To agree to the amendment of Article XIX
To reconsider the XXII article
To reconsider the XXI article
To postpone the 21st article
To agree to the 21st article
2/3rds of the Legislature instead of 3/4th to repass a law
To appoint a Committee to prepare a Bill of rights
To agree to Commodities
To postpone the report respecting the 22nd and 23rd
To agree to add "for two years"
to insert "service" instead of "servitude"
To strike out the words "and direct Taxes"
To rescind the rule for adjournment
To strike out the word "to" before establish justice
To reconsider the 2nd clause of the 3rd Section 1st Article
To reconsider the 1st clause of the 5th Section 1st Article