Half Right and Half Wrong
Focusing on Details: White Out/Black Out
All documents and text associated with this activity are printed below, followed by a worksheet for student responses.Introduction
Look closely at the document you will see. Answer the question below it - what clues can you find to help you? Be prepared to share these with the class.Name:
Half Right and Half Wrong
Focusing on Details: White Out/Black Out
Examine the documents included in this activity and write your response in the space provided.
What do you think Anthony thinks the president is "half Right and half wrong" about?
Your Response
Activity Element
Half Right and Half Wrong
Focusing on Details: White Out/Black Out
- What president did Anthony write to?
- What year do you think it was?
- Did you figure out what Anthony was writing about?
- What did he mean by "half right and half wrong"?
- Which half of Anthony do you agree with?
Your Response